Personnel leasing nationwide with cpl craftsmen GmbH

We are wherever you need us and we guarantee the right fitter manpower

cpl craftsmen map

Personnel service provider for the building trade

Your advantages as a customer

cpl craftsmen Icon rundum sorglos

Best support

We provide you with skilled workers, machines, tools and vehicles. This is how modern temporary work works. You get innovative personnel leasing as a partner of craftsmen.

cpl craftsmen Icon beste Qualitaet

Optimum quality

Our craftsmen are excellently trained and have the latest knowledge. With our typical motivation, you get the best performance for your construction project.

cpl craftsmen Icon Ansprechpartner

Personal contact persons

We are here for you. With us, you always know the person responsible for the project, even on site. Together we are efficient and guarantee your success.

cpl craftsmen Icon Zuverlaessigkeit


You can expect reliability from us. This is just as important to us as commitment, honesty, dedication and, ultimately, adherence to deadlines.

cpl craftsmen Icon Planung


Planning security is the basis for success. We have a lot of experience, a great deal of expertise and, ultimately, a love of detail. A guarantee for good business relationships.

cpl craftsmen Icon Kalkulation


The most important step in value creation. Thanks to a sophisticated balance between quality and price awareness, we can offer you top conditions. Also for large-scale projects.

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You can rely on our qualified staff. Craftsmen work with the utmost care and safety and with the best possible understanding of the material in question. Be sure of that.

cpl craftsmen Icon Betreuung


Maintenance, care and repair are important to ensure the long-term success of your construction project. The craftsmen fitters are also available for this.


Whether an existing or new project – start with us now.